What is a Twitter Bookmark? Everything You Need to Know

What is a Twitter bookmark? Everything you need to know

Twitter is a fast-paced platform where millions of tweets are posted every day.

With so much information and content, it can be hard to keep track of everything you find interesting or useful.

That’s why Twitter introduced bookmarks, a feature that lets you save and organize tweets for later.

In this article, we will explain what Twitter bookmarks are, how they differ from likes and retweets, and why you should use them.

We will also show you how to use bookmarks on desktop and mobile and share some tips on how to make the most of them.

An infographic to illustrate: What is a Twitter Bookmark?

What are Twitter bookmarks?

Twitter bookmarks are a way of saving tweets that you want to revisit later.

Unlike likes and retweets, bookmarks are private and only visible to you. You can bookmark any tweet, whether it’s from someone you follow or not, and access it anytime from your profile or menu.

To bookmark a tweet, follow these steps:

  1. Find the tweet you want to bookmark and click or tap on the share icon at the bottom right corner of the tweet.
  2. Select “Add Tweet to Bookmarks” from the options that appear.
  3. You will see a confirmation message that says, “Tweet added to your bookmarks.” You can also undo the action by clicking or tapping on “Remove Tweet from Bookmarks.”

To view your bookmarks, follow these steps:

  1. Click or tap on your profile icon on the top right corner of the screen and select “Bookmarks” from the menu.
  2. You will see a list of tweets that you have bookmarked, sorted by the date you added them. You can scroll down the list and click or tap on any tweet to view it in full.
  3. To remove a tweet from your bookmarks, click or tap on the share icon again and select “Remove Tweet from Bookmarks.”

Why use Twitter bookmarks?

Twitter bookmarks have many benefits that make them a useful feature for any Twitter user.

Here are some of the main reasons why you should use bookmarks:

  • Save interesting content for later reference. Sometimes you come across a tweet with valuable information, a helpful link, a funny meme, or a captivating video, but you don’t have time to check it out immediately. By bookmarking it, you can easily find it later, when you have more time or need it.
  • Organize information for research or projects. If you use Twitter for work, study, or personal projects, you may need to collect and organize tweets that are relevant to your topic or goal. By bookmarking them, you can create a curated list of sources, references, or inspiration that you can access anytime.
  • Keep track of important threads or discussions. Twitter is a great place to follow and join conversations on various topics and issues. However, it can be hard to keep up with long or complex threads that span multiple tweets and replies. By bookmarking them, you can easily follow the thread and see the latest updates or comments.
  • Maintain privacy for sensitive or controversial tweets. Sometimes you may want to save a tweet that is sensitive or controversial, but you don’t want to like or retweet it publicly. By bookmarking it, you can keep it private and avoid any unwanted attention or backlash from others.

How to Use Twitter Bookmarks

Using Twitter bookmarks is straightforward, whether you are on desktop or mobile.

  • Organize your bookmarks. You can sort your bookmarks by date or popularity by clicking or tapping on the “Sort by” option on the top right corner of the bookmarks list.
  • Export your bookmarks. You can export your bookmarks to a CSV file by clicking or tapping on the three-dot icon on the top right corner of the bookmarks list and selecting “Export Bookmarks.”
  • Use tags or collections. If you want to categorize your bookmarks by topic, theme, or project, you can use tags or collections to do that.

Here are some tips on how to use bookmarks effectively:

  • Organize your bookmarks. You can sort your bookmarks by date or popularity by clicking or tapping on the “Sort by” option on the top right corner of the bookmarks list. You can also search within your bookmarks using keywords or hashtags in the search bar on the top left corner of the bookmarks list.
  • Export your bookmarks. You can export your bookmarks to a CSV file by clicking or tapping on the three-dot icon on the top right corner of the bookmarks list and selecting “Export Bookmarks.” You can then open the file in any spreadsheet program and use it for your purposes.
  • Use tags or collections. If you want to categorize your bookmarks by topic, theme, or project, you can use tags or collections to do that. Tags are words or phrases that you add to your bookmarks to describe them. Collections are groups of bookmarks that you create and name. To use tags or collections, you need to use a third-party tool like TweetDeck or Tweet Binder.

What are the limitations of using bookmarks?

There are some limitations to using bookmarks, such as:

  • You cannot bookmark your tweets or direct messages.
  • You cannot bookmark tweets that are protected or private.
  • You cannot edit or comment on your bookmarks.
  • You cannot share your bookmarks with others.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions and answers about Twitter bookmarks:

  • Can others see my bookmarks? No, your bookmarks are private and only visible to you. No one else can see what tweets you have bookmarked or how many bookmarks you have.
  • What happens if a bookmarked tweet gets deleted? If a tweet that you have bookmarked gets deleted by the author or by Twitter, it will also disappear from your bookmark list. You will not be able to view or access it anymore.
  • How many tweets can I bookmark? There is no limit to how many tweets you can bookmark. You can bookmark as many tweets as you want and keep them for as long as you want.


Twitter bookmarks are a handy feature that allows you to save and organize tweets for later.

They are different from likes and retweets, as they are private and only visible to you.

You can use bookmarks to save interesting content, organize information, keep track of threads, and maintain privacy.

We hope this article has helped you understand what Twitter bookmarks are and how to use them.

Now that you know how to bookmark tweets, why not start using them and see how they can improve your Twitter experience?

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