How to Make a Thread on Twitter: A Guide for Digital Marketers

An image to illustrate my target key phrase, 'How to Make a Thread on Twitter'
Continue reading this article to learn more about How to Make a Thread on Twitter on different scenarios (Source:

Twitter threads are a powerful way to share your expertise, insights, and stories with your audience.

They can help you boost your engagement, reach, and authority on the platform.

In this article, I’ll show you how to make a thread on Twitter using different methods and devices, plus some tips and best practices for making your threads stand out and resonate with your followers.

Understanding Twitter Threads

An image of Twitter Threads
Twitter thread (Source: Twitter)

Twitter threads are a way to share your thoughts on a particular subject in an easy-to-digest format.

The tweets are posted consecutively and provide information that is easily accessible, quick to read, and free of distractions from other content.

Twitter threads are significant in the Twitter community because they allow users to:

  • Share longer content: Threads can help you overcome the 280-character limit and express your ideas in more detail and depth.
  • Foster discussions: Threads can prompt your followers and other users to join the conversation, ask questions, share feedback, or offer different perspectives.
  • Engage with a wider audience: Because threads are more likely to be liked, retweeted, and shared by other users, they can increase your visibility and reach on the platform.

Twitter threads can also help you showcase your expertise, tell a story, drive traffic, or announce updates. They are a versatile and powerful tool for communicating on Twitter.

How to Make a Thread on Twitter Mobile

The built-in functionality of the Twitter app on your smartphone makes it simple to start a thread.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Tap on the compose icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  • Write your first tweet and add any media or hashtags you want.

    An image to illustrate my target key phrase, how to make a thread on twitter
    Source: Twitter
  • Tap on the plus (+) icon at the bottom-left corner to add another tweet to the thread.
  • Repeat the process until you have written all the tweets you want to include in the thread.

    An image to illustrate on how to make a twitter thread
    Source: Twitter
  • Tap on the “Tweet all” button at the top-right corner to publish your thread.

How to Make a Thread on Twitter with Existing Tweets

Sometimes, you may want to create a thread from tweets that you have already published.

This can help you expand on a topic, add more context, or connect different ideas.

To do this, you can use the reply feature.

Here’s how:

  • Find the tweet that you want to start your thread with and tap on it.
  • Tap on the reply icon at the bottom of the tweet.
  • Write your next tweet and tap the reply button.
  • Repeat the process until you have added all the tweets you want to include in the thread.

How to Make a Thread on Twitter Desktop

If you’re using Twitter on your desktop browser, you can also create a thread using the same methods as on mobile.

However, there is another option that you can use to make your thread more organized and coherent.

This is the outline feature, and here is how to use it:

  • Click on the tweet button in the left sidebar.
  • Write your first tweet and click on the plus (+) icon at the bottom-right corner to add another tweet to the thread.
  • On the left side of the compose window, you’ll see an outline of your thread. You can click on any tweet to edit it, drag and drop them to rearrange the order, or delete them if you want.
  • When you’re done, click on the “Tweet all” button at the bottom-right corner to publish your thread.

How to Make a Thread on Twitter iPhone

The same procedures apply to creating a thread on Twitter when using an iPhone.

However, there is a shortcut that you can use to make your thread faster and easier.

This is the voice tweet feature, and it can be used by following these steps.

  • Tap on the compose icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  • Tap on the waveform icon at the top-right corner to start recording your voice tweet.
  • Speak your first tweet and tap on the done button when you’re finished.
  • Tap on the plus (+) icon at the bottom-left corner to add another voice tweet to the thread.
  • Repeat the process until you have recorded all the voice tweets you want to include in the thread.
  • Tap on the “Tweet all” button at the top-right corner to publish your thread.

Frequently asked questions

The following are frequently asked questions on Twitter threads and their responses:

What is a Twitter thread, and why should I use it?

A Twitter thread is a series of connected tweets that tell a story or share information on a topic.

You should use it to overcome the 280-character limit and express your ideas in more detail and depth.

You can also use it to showcase your expertise, tell a story, drive traffic, or announce updates.

How do I create a Twitter thread using the built-in feature?

To create a Twitter thread using the built-in feature, you need to tap the compose icon, type your first tweet, and then tap the plus (+) button to add more tweets.

You can also edit, rearrange, or delete any tweet in the thread.

When you’re done, tap the “Tweet all” button to publish your thread.

How do I create a Twitter thread from existing tweets?

To create a Twitter thread from existing tweets, you can use the reply feature.

Find the tweet that you want to start your thread with and tap on it.

Tap the reply icon and write your next tweet.

Repeat the process until you have added all the tweets you want to include in the thread.

How do I add more tweets to a published thread?

To add more tweets to a published thread, you can use the “Add another tweet” button or the “Continue thread” option.

Go to the last tweet of your thread and tap the “Add another tweet” button to write a new tweet.

Alternatively, tap the tweet button on the home screen and swipe down to see your most recent tweet.

Tap the “Continue thread” button to add a new tweet to the thread.

How do I unroll a Twitter thread and read it as a single page?

To unroll a Twitter thread and read it as a single page, you can use a third-party service such as the Thread Reader app.

To use this service, you need to reply to any tweet in the thread with the mention of @threadreaderapp and the keyword “unroll”.

You will receive a link to a web page where you can read the entire thread without any distractions.


Twitter threads are a great way to showcase your knowledge, personality, and creativity on the platform.

They can help you attract more followers, engage your existing ones, and establish yourself as an authority in your niche.

To create a thread on Twitter, you can use different methods and devices depending on your preference and convenience.

You can also use different formats and media to make your thread more interesting and appealing.

The key is to be clear, concise, and consistent in your message and tone.

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